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Week of May 1810: summary for children and students

The Week of May begins 7 days before May 25, the day on which the Revolution that liberated the provinces of the Río de la Plata from the viceregal authority and the Spanish crown is remembered. Knowing what happened on those days, knowing how each specific event occurred, is important to know the past of Argentina and understand how the Nation came to be constituted.

Long ago, the territory where we Argentines currently live was within a viceroyalty and under the orders of a king. Ferdinand VII was the name of the king of Spain, who at that time had the entire South American continent under his command because he had conquered it almost 400 years ago. But Fernando was not here to take care of the land and his power over it. For this he had appointed a man with the position of viceroy, who was the one who indicated what could be done and what not, dictated many of the rules that governed at that time.

While King Ferdinand had power in his hands, all the inhabitants of this land had to submit to his orders, but there were more and more men and women dissatisfied with that situation. Also, in the country where the monarch lived there were many people who wanted to conquer his land and have it under his command. It was thus that one day the armies of another country arrived and took over the lands of King Ferdinand. They took him as his prisoner and gave the local inhabitants the opportunity to take power into his hands.

Thus, many people who lived here and who already felt this territory as their own decided to be protagonists of history and change everything they did not like. Military men, business people, lawyers and priests got together to see how they could take the land under their power and make whatever rules they liked. Stop being part of a kingdom that was not theirs. They met then in a place called Cabildo. The Cabildo was in charge at that time of taking care of the city, dictating the rules and hosting the Government. That day some people gathered in the square in front of the Cabildo to see what was going to happen. So these people we call "patriots" decided that they would rule themselves. This decision is remembered as freedom.

Who were the men of May?

That group of people went down in history, which today can be read in books, as Men of May. The group of people that met in the Cabildo had positions, each one of them occupied by different outstanding men of the moment.

These are the men of May

How was the week of May?

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Each of the events that happened between May 18 and 25 of that famous 1810 falls into what is currently known as May Week. Day after day the men who made that revolution made emancipation from Spanish power possible.

friday 18

Semana de mayo de 1810: resumen para niños y estudiantes

Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros publishes a decree in which he asks the people to remain faithful to Spain, which had been invaded by the French.

Saturday 19

The Creoles ask the authorities to allow them to hold an Open Town Hall to deal with the situation.

Sunday 20

The viceroy receives officials from the Cabildo, military chiefs and Creoles, with whom he discusses the call for the Open Cabildo.

Monday 21

The Cabildo invites the main neighbors to meet on the 22nd at the Open Cabildo.

Tuesday 22

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The open Cabildo, after long discussions, resolves that the viceroy cease command.

Wednesday 23

The Cabildo forms a Governing Board with Cisneros as president.

Thursday 24

Day of indignation of the people upon learning that the Cabildo had decided that Cisneros would continue in command. Resignation of all members of the Board.

Friday 25

The Creoles, gathered in the Plaza Mayor (current Plaza de Mayo) and looking for news, shout: "the people want to know what it is about." This day the lobbyists recognize the authority of the Revolutionary Junta and thus the First National Government is formed.

How was society divided?

In the colony the classes or social groups were very divided, unfortunately the rights of the lower classes were not respected. There were the black ethnic men who were brought as slaves from Africa and in inhuman conditions, many died during the boat trip. Then here they were sold in the market to perform various tasks, you could read classified ads in the newspaper of that time such as "I am selling a black slave, he knows how to cook and work the land." They were also exhibited in the main square, auctions were held and they were sold to the highest bidder, the same was done as with pack animals.

This is what the upper class of that time looked like
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Black slaves had the fewest rights, their tasks ranged from working in the fields to housework. Many times they received lashes from their masters. The slaves did not enjoy any kind of freedom. Their masters fed and clothed them according to their will.

The black slaves were very poorly dressed with bayeton jackets and pants of the same fabric, they were usually barefoot or with sandals made of cow or pig leather. On some occasions you could see some blacks with the remains of their masters, but dressed ridiculously, such as long pants, very large clothes, top hats, etc. These clothes were their best clothes and they used them usually on Sundays.

Another social class were the Indians, they were used to perform tasks in the gold and silver mines, cultivate the land and raise cattle, they did not enjoy rights either, but they were not slaves. The Indians were vassals of the King of Spain but did not enjoy the benefits of the law. These were forbidden to ride horses, they were paid for their work but only a few coins, they were used for the heaviest jobs in the colony.

Creoles or American Spaniards, who were born in America, children of Spaniards, did not have the same rights as Spaniards, very few Creoles came to hold political office. Some became great merchants or professionals. They lived in large houses or villas, there were also Creoles who lived in poverty and subsisted from their jobs or small home industries.

The Spaniards held the best positions, some engaged in politics, others in trade and monopoly. They were from the upper social class, they had all the rights, they could study freely and they learned Latin and French. They lived in spacious and comfortable houses.

What customs did the people of that time have?

The upper social classes, from wealthy families, organized gatherings in their homes or high places, which were meetings in which their friends were invited, listened to music, talked, danced, met in a large room lit with many chandeliers, and dressed With their best clothes, typical foods such as empanadas, cupcakes, etc. were served there. The music they listened to was soft, such as the minue that was played on the piano.

The ladies wore long dresses up to the feet armed with ruffled petticoats, usually made by themselves helped by their slaves. The fabrics were brought from Europe. They also wore combs with delicate mantillas, fans and umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun.

The tailors at that time were very scarce and did not exist in the interior. Ladies also made clothes for their husbands and children.

The gentlemen dressed in jackets, ruffled shirts, narrow pants or leggings, a top hat and a cane with a metal handle.

Some of the customs of that time, for example, were to meet in the afternoons in the patio of the houses to drink mate, for example, bitter mate was served for the men, called Cimarrón, which was prepared in a gourd cured with yerba, and for the ladies sweet mate was also served primed in a calabacita but cured with burnt sugar.

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