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What happens to the body after childbirth?6 changes you will experience and nobody told you
Por:: Daniela Flores,
Publicado 16 Ago 2019 – 10:53 AM EDT | Actualizado 16 Ago 2019 – 10:53 AM EDT

Raising and having a baby is wonderful, but many moms do not imagine or know all the transformation that occurs in their own body and that goes beyond the growth of the fetus within its belly.

Pregnancy lasts more than those nine months in which the baby is in the uterus.After delivery, another arduous (but delicious) task begins: cope with the alterations caused by pregnancy hormones, once the body balances.

Next, we list some changes that do not always appear, but it is very possible that they pass and little people talk about it.

Changes after childbirth that nobody tells you


It is normal to have a reddish vaginal flow in the first days of postpartum.The body can also have a minor bleeding, which is part of the uterus recovery process, which contracts after childbirth.

Over time, these hemorrhages are thicker, until they disappear.If they persist, consult your doctor.


They happen because the uterus returns to its normal size, recomposing the blood vessels that break during childbirth.

It should be noted that these contractions are far from being as painful as those presented at the baby's birth.They are actually very similar to menstrual cramps.

Urinary incontinence

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Is part of the body's rebalancing.The organs change position as babies grow inside the belly, but after giving birth they return to their initial positions.

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The same thing happens with the bladder and that change can cause an involuntary urine leakage.To avoid dirtying and wetting underwear, it is advisable to wear daily protectors.


For some moms, thinning comes naturally, especially those that can regularly breastfeed.However, the same does not happen in other women, but you don't have to press to lose that weight quickly.

If the body took 9 months to adapt to the baby and win those kilos, it is normal than late from 9 to 12 months to be what it was before pregnancy.It is a natural and gradual process.

Hip increase

After giving birth, some moms notice that their hips are bigger.This is because the bones open to give way to the child and may or may not return to their initial position.

Vaginal dryness

The lubrication of the vagina decreases in the first days of postpartum.However, this can be extended for weeks and up to months, which makes it difficult to have sex.

But it is not what to worry, over time this situation will improve.However, if the dryness is maintained for a long time or worsens, it is advisable to consult the doctor.

Pay attention to these signs!

After childbirth, mothers must be aware of all symptoms. El sangrado continuo puede indicar inflamación en el útero, conocida como endometritis. El dolor y enrojecimiento de los senos puede significar mastitis, que generalmente se presenta en madres primerizas.

Las nuevas madres también deben estar alertas al riesgo de trombosis.If you notice a swelling in the legs, accompanied by redness and pain, it is important to go with a vascular doctor.

After the baby is born, it's normal to cry...But if it's much better, right?Therefore, if there are signs of deep sadness, it could be postpartum depression.

And will the body return to normal?Of course.And the best: accompanied by your baby's beautiful smile!

More on motherhood:

Original Author: Mariana Risala Original Author URL: https: // www.Vix.com/pt/users/Mariana-Riscala Original ID Value: 553645 Original Site: PT Original URL: https: // www.Vix.com/pt/teacher-bebes/553645/o-que-aconte-com-o-corpo-dop-do-part-5-mudancas-who-ninguem-counts

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