With the passage of time we have been realizing that there are several tricks within WhatsApp with different functions.On this occasion we are going to teach you how to see the photos deleted by a friend or acquaintance without them finding out anything.
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Not really, but this depends on how you have your WhatsApp configured with respect to image download.Later you will understand this answer a little more.
To be able to perform this trick you will not need any external app, although there are some which let you know what they sent you, but why we want an application which seeks to have access to our information or ask for authorization to enter our filespersonal.The only thing you will need is the most up -to -date version of WhatsApp and now, nothing else is needed.
First of all, be sure to have the most recent version of this application installed.In case of not having it you must go to the play store or the iOS Store to obtain it.
Now we can explain this trick step by step:
No contact will know that you can see the photos they eliminate.They could only know if you tell them, but do not worry that all this is legal since you are not using any function not allowed by WhatsApp.
Yes, this trick serves on any cellular device regardless of its operating system.
Photo: Reuters
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